Podcast by Alessandro Barbero, Taken from an episode of “Past and Present”, broadcast on Rai Storia.
Collection: Images
Project: 9. Travels and travelers: economic, social and cultural connections.
Chronology: Medieval age
Scope: Secondary Education, Higher Education
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKvYii7DqBE
Resource type: Video
Format: Images
Source: Podcast
Language: Italian
Date: 467-1492
Owner: Beatrice Borghi (Modernalia)
Abstract: In the Middle Ages, new forms of exploitation slowly replaced slavery, such as serfdom, whose term (lat.servus, slave) designates the condition of dependence of a farmer who binds him to the land on which he resides and to a master. This condition concerns men or women who do not enjoy personal liberties, they belonged to a gentleman and were bound to the gleba, or to the land they cultivated (peasants). Its origin goes back to the last centuries of the Roman Empire, when a class of farmers was created, still legally free.