Our satellite is an integral part of our culture, an inexhaustible source of mythology and symbolism, and has also been fundamental to the advancement of science. From synergy comes knowledge: the only way for the Babylonian eclipse lists to make sense is to accept that the days in 500 BC were shorter than they are today. The clay markings of an ancient civilisation contain extremely precise astronomical information that we know how to interpret because we have placed scientific instruments on the surface of the Moon. No other celestial body is so ubiquitous in human cultures. They have all named it after themselves (Diana, Artemis, Thoth, Chandra, Chang’e, Nanna). The Moon will take us by the hand on this journey of human cultures with scientific knowledge.
Collection: Multimedia
Project: 11. Science and culture as representation in Europe.
Chronology: -
Scope: Secondary Education
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4WqXlY7Ye8
Resource type: Video
Format: Multimedia
Owner: Arqueological National Museum of Spain (MAN) (Modernalia)
Abstract: Our satellite is an integral part of our culture, an inexhaustible source of mythology and symbolism, and has also been fundamental to the advancement of science. From synergy comes knowledge: the only way for the Babylonian eclipse lists to make sense is to accept that the days in 500 BC were shorter than they are today. The clay markings of an ancient civilisation contain extremely precise astronomical information that we know how to interpret because we have placed scientific instruments on the surface of the Moon. No other celestial body is so ubiquitous in human cultures. They have all named it after themselves (Diana, Artemis, Thoth, Chandra, Chang'e, Nanna). The Moon will take us by the hand on this journey of human cultures with scientific knowledge.