The archaeological site of Los Hitos (Arisgotas -Orgaz-, Toledo) is an important rural and sacred complex related to the Late Antique elites of the capital of Toledo. The archaeological and documentary records reveal the process of monumentalisation of Toledo and its territory throughout the 7th century, and allow us to understand the collapse of the Roman territorial model based on uillae (e.g. Carranque), and its replacement by a genuine Visigothic model in which monastic, sacred and funerary complexes, as in the case of Los Hitos, constituted new references in territorial planning. The architecture documented in this area is particularly valuable in this sense and context and, consequently, served to transform the image of the cities, territories and landscapes linked to kings, aristocracies and religious elites.
Collection: Multimedia
Project: 3. Rural world and urban world in the formation of the European identity.
Chronology: -
Scope: Secondary Education
Resource type: Video
Format: Multimedia
Owner: Arqueological National Museum of Spain (MAN) (Modernalia)
Abstract: The archaeological site of Los Hitos (Arisgotas -Orgaz-, Toledo) is an important rural and sacred complex related to the Late Antique elites of the capital of Toledo. The archaeological and documentary records reveal the process of monumentalisation of Toledo and its territory throughout the 7th century, and allow us to understand the collapse of the Roman territorial model based on uillae (e.g. Carranque), and its replacement by a genuine Visigothic model in which monastic, sacred and funerary complexes, as in the case of Los Hitos, constituted new references in territorial planning. The architecture documented in this area is particularly valuable in this sense and context and, consequently, served to transform the image of the cities, territories and landscapes linked to kings, aristocracies and religious elites.