This research seeks to discover the economic conditions of the university institution in Salamanca during the 16th century. It has been found that the most important item of Salamanca’s expenditure in percentage terms was to cover salaries, both for the professorships and the minor professorships, substitutions and officials, accounting for 55-60% of the total expenditure. The professorships were one of the most costly items, accounting for 35-38% of the expenditure.
As can be seen in the resource, the university services gradually increased their budgets during the 16th century, mainly due to the institution’s own internal growth and the gradual overcoming of a structural crisis that had been dragging on since the beginning of the century. This fact can be seen in the figures of the janitors, secretaries, sweepers and bailiffs.
One of the posts whose salaries were most reduced was that of chaplains, as the University of Salamanca maintained many medieval features during the first half of the 16th century, such as the excessive presence of ecclesiastics and the nature of studies centred on law and theology, which led to a progressive decrease in enrolments for these studies.
Collection: Statistics
Project: 11. Science and culture as representation in Europe., 3. Rural world and urban world in the formation of the European identity., 4. Family, daily life and social inequality in Europe.
Chronology: XVII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University, Postgraduate
Resource type: Statistics
Format: Table
Source: Rodríguez-San Pedro, L. E. (Coord.) (1989). "Hacienda universitaria salmantina del siglo XVII: gastos y alcances", en Studia historica. Historia moderna, nº 7, p. 761.
Language: Spanish
Date: 1989
Owner: Roberto José Alcalde López (Modernalia)
Copyright: ©Studia historica. Historia moderna ©Luis Enrique Rodríguez-San Pedro ©Juan Luis Polo ©Carmen Caro ©José Antonio Santos ©María Auxiliadora Barrio ©Miguel Ángel Martín
Abstract: The table shows the salaries of the officials of the University of Salamanca between 1632 and 1693