The pre-emption of one nation’s diplomatic corps over another was a gesture denoting the hegemony of one power over another/s during the modern age. For a century and a half the hegemonic power had been in Spain. After 1659, however, France had succeeded in unseating Spanish hegemony, which required a more tangible demonstration of the new French strength. A diplomatic meeting in the English capital between the diplomats of Philip IV and Louis XIV ended in a brawl over the Catholic King’s ambassadors denying precedence to their French counterpart. On hearing of the events, Louis XIV demanded reparation from Philip IV, which was answered by giving precedence to the French diplomatic corps. It was a question of recognising the new power of the France of the Sun King.
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Historical source
Source: Luis XIV a d'Embrun, 1 enero 1662. AAE París, CP Espagne, 41, f> 103v-104
Language: French
Date: 1662
Owner: Djebril Bouzidi (Modernalia)
Identifier: Luis XIV a d'Embrun, 1 enero 1662. AAE París, CP Espagne, 41, f> 103v-104
Abstract: Text in which Louis XIV reclaims his hegemony over Spain, thus demanding the priority of his diplomatic corps after the incidents of 1661 in London