The expulsion from Spain and the loss of their income was not the only misfortune the Jesuits had to face. The political upheavals in Spain led to the appointment of Joseph Bonaparte as the new king after the Napoleonic invasion. The new document of Bayonne (Charter of Bayonne) was intended to be endorsed not only by the one hundred Spanish representatives who went to the city of Bayonne, but it was intended that everyone who received money from the public purse should support the new king’s accession to the throne, under threat that their income would be suspended if they did not do so. Spanish Jesuits who had been exiled in Italy were also called upon to endorse the document. Some accepted, but others refused on the grounds that the new monarch was a usurper, and since then faced no small amount of trouble. Those who refused to sign the document were arrested, imprisoned and relocated to convents under guard. With this, the normality that the Jesuits had managed to achieve in their new destinations was again undermined, and as Inmaculada Fernñandez de Arrillaga points out, they carried out different jobs such as confessors, teachers, etc. Such was the case of Father Manuel Luengo arrested in Rome.
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVIII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Historical source
Source: Diario de la expulsión de los jesuitas de España, escrito por el P. ManuelLuengo y custodiado en el Archivo Histórico de Loyola, Escritos de jesuitas del s. XVIII, baldas 4 y 5,(a partir de aquí Diario), T. XLIII, p. 11
Language: Spanish
Owner: Djebril Bouzidi (Modernalia)
Identifier: Diario de la expulsión de los jesuitas de España, escrito por el P. ManuelLuengo y custodiado en el Archivo Histórico de Loyola, Escritos de jesuitas del s. XVIII, baldas 4 y 5,(a partir de aquí Diario), T. XLIII, p. 11
Abstract: Fragment of text in which Father Manuel Luengo exposes the coercion to which Spanish Jesuits in exile in Italy were subjected in order to recognise Joseph Bonaparte as the new king of Spain