In this text dated 1641, Antonio López de Vega defends the censorship of the theatre for presenting a whole series of problems linked to its style. Guillermo Carnero explains the Spanish poet’s motivations, basing them on his rejection of the mixture of the comic and the tragic, as well as the multiplicity of plots lacking a logical unity. In the same way, it is a space in which characters of such high social value as kings are ridiculed, while others of low social standing are exalted. On the other hand, he was repulsed by gestural exaggerations and the use of verisimilitude as opposed to truth. Lope de Vega’s statements would constitute a precedent and would be followed in time by those who would advocate the censorship of the theatre.
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Historical source
Source: HERACLITO I DEMOCRITO /de nuestro siglo. / Descrlvese su legítimo Filósofo. /DIÁLOGOS MORALES, / Sobre tres materias, La Nobleza, La Riqueza, / i Las Letras. / Dirigidos /A Don Manvel Alvarez Pinto /1 Ribera (*.) / POR ANTONIO LÓPEZ DE VEGA. / (...) (s.l., pero Madriden el colofón) / Por Diego Diaz de la Carrera. / Año M.DCXLI. / Acosta de Alfonso Pérez Librero deSu Magostad.- Bibl. Nacional, sign. 3 / 72153. Ver pp. 174-177.
Language: Spanish
Date: 1641
Owner: Djebril Bouzidi (Modernalia)
Identifier: HERACLITO I DEMOCRITO /de nuestro siglo. / Descrlvese su legítimo Filósofo. /DIÁLOGOS MORALES, / Sobre tres materias, La Nobleza, La Riqueza, / i Las Letras. / Dirigidos /A Don Manvel Alvarez Pinto /1 Ribera (*.) / POR ANTONIO LÓPEZ DE VEGA. / (...) (s.l., pero Madriden el colofón) / Por Diego Diaz de la Carrera. / Año M.DCXLI. / Acosta de Alfonso Pérez Librero deSu Magostad.- Bibl. Nacional, sign. 3 / 72153. Ver pp. 174-177.
Abstract: Fragment of text in which Antonio López de Vega criticises the theatre, adducing a series of reasons for the rejection it generates