The Kunsthalle Hamburg’s online collection offers more than 300 masterpieces as well as thousands of drawings and prints, including Raphael, Rembrandt and Leonardo da Vinci. The Gallery also allows the viewing of the book of drawings Liber Veritatis by Claude Lorrain. The search can be carried out simply by using the search engine or by collections.
Collection: Multimedia
Chronology: XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI
Scope: Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Web
Source: Kunsthalle Hamburgo
Language: English
Owner: Blanca Rodríguez Hernández (Modernalia)
Copyright: Kunsthalle Hamburgo
Abstract: Online collection of the Hamburg Art Gallery (Kunsthalle)
Claudio de LorenaDibujosGrabadosKunsthalleKunsthalle Hamburgoleonardo da vinciLiber VeritatisRafaelRembrandtRenacimiento italianoRenacimiento nórdicoSiglo XIXSiglo XVSiglo XVISiglo XVIISiglo XVIIISiglo XX