Fresco by Raphael to decorate the Room of the Signatura in the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican. Contemporaneous with the decoration of the vault of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel. It shows the best of Renaissance art, under the patronage of the Papacy. It connects the wisdom of ancient Greece with the humanist world of the Modern Age.
Collection: Images
Project: 11. Science and culture as representation in Europe.
Chronology: XVI
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate
Link: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_escuela_de_Atenas#/media/Archivo:La_scuola_di_Atene.jpg
Resource type: Image
Format: Fresco (770 cm en la base)
Source: Museos Vaticanos (Roma)
Language: Italian
Date: 1509
Owner: Raimundo A. Rodríguez Pérez (Modernalia)
Copyright: Dominio público
Abstract: Cultural history