Graph showing the evolution of Castilian guard payments in 1523 and...
Participation of socio-professional groups in Navarre's institutions in the 18th...
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Graph showing the evolution between 1575 and 1599 of deaths and baptisms in the parish of San Salvador de Villafáfila...
Graph showing the evolution of Castilian guard payments in 1523 and...
Line graph showing the average price of sheep pasture and apiary in Vera (Almería) during the 16th...
Participation of socio-professional groups in Navarre's institutions in the 18th...
Line graph comparing publishing production on Turkey and the Indies between the end of the 15th century and the first half of the 19th...
Bar chart showing the evolution of loan payments by Charles V between 1540 and 1554 to German, Genoese, Castilian and Flemish...