Origin and development of inequality and social stratification (civil organisations related to the imperial cult) Belonging to a local youth association, this banner is unique in Hispania and...
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Origin and development of inequality and social stratification (civil organisations related to the imperial cult) Belonging to a local youth association, this banner is unique in Hispania and...
Food in Ancient Rome The space for family sociability in Europe (the triclinium and...
In the Roman kitchen, a wide variety of vessels and utensils were used, made of clay, bronze or iron, whose design, in some cases, does not differ much from today's The Latin mortarium or mortar is...
The space for family sociability in Europe The lararium, or Roman family altar, brought together the images of the Lares and the Penates, divinities who were the protectors of the household and were...
From the 4th century AD, the great landowner, the dominus, abandoned the urban centres and settled in the countryside At the same time, many citizens moved to the villages in search of work and a...
The structure of an urban dwelling reflects the diversity of activities, as well as social and economic differences: the amenities of the house express the social status of its owner The most...