Slavery was not identical in every civilization, but it was different: in some cases the slave had no rights, in others he was partially protected by the law. Definition of terms.
Slavery was not identical in every civilization, but it was different: in some cases the slave had no rights, in others he was partially protected by the law. Definition of terms.
The history of Omar Ibn Said, from West Africa to America (Charleston)
From Antiquity to the Middle Ages: History of Slavery.
The Atlantic slave trade
In the Middle Ages, new forms of exploitation slowly replaced slavery, such as serfdom, whose term (lat.servus, slave) designates the condition of dependence of a farmer who binds him to the land on which he resides and to a master. This condition concerns men or women who do not enjoy personal liberties, they belonged to a gentleman and were bound to the gleba, or to the land they cultivated (peasants). Its origin goes back to the last centuries of the Roman Empire, when a class of farmers was created, still legally free.
In the 16th century, the slave trade decimated the African population, causing devastation and hardship, the signs of which still remain today. In the 21st, migrations from the Global South are a “voluntary” phenomenon-though a forced choice, for so many-but they bring to mind this sad and dark past. In both cases, there are people who profit from the exodus of these human beings.
Bologna was the first city in the world to abolish slavery and free the serfs through the enactment of the “Liber Paradisus”.
Film clip detailing life in the “new world” begins at Ellis Island of the family’s Mancuso. As soon as the disembark, the family realizes how it is quite different from what they had foreshadowed.
The film is in Italian and Sicilian.
Slave trips to the East.
The dawn of globalization. video-lesson by Ugo Fabietti, one of the greatest Italian anthropologists