Web of didactic/divulgative resources on the History of women and gender relations in Spain
Web of didactic/divulgative resources on the History of women and gender relations in Spain
Access to the online collections of the National Gallery in Prague in the form of short reportages
Access to digital publications of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Madrid)
On-line consultation of the works of the Galleria Estense in Modena (Italy)
Access to the online collection of the Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam)
Access to the Digital Library of the Galleria Estense (Modena)
Access to the library search engine of the Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam)
Access to the digitised works of the National Gallery of Denmark (SMK), Copenhagen.
Collections of the Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio (USA)
Online painting collection of the National Academy of San Luca (Rome)