Civil Wars in Europe
Civil Wars in Europe
On August 6, 1945, President Harry Truman released the awesome power of the atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. This action helped to end the Second World War, but at a terrible price.
In any revolutionary period it is possible to establish an interrelation between cultural changes -or rather, of cultural politics- and the phenomena of political change. The materialization of this principle is even more evident in the period between 1868-1874, all the more so since it is precisely one of the specific features of the liberal progressivism of the 19th century bourgeoisie, desire, enunciated as an ideological principle, to liberalize the world of culture and put it at the service of greater social participation.
vagrancy, beggars, crime, punishment
The musealization of battlefields is a work area that has a long tradition in other countries such as the United States, France, England or Germany, because these archaeological sites are part of their cultural heritage, and for this reason they are preserved and conditioned. for your visit.
The archaeology of the Spanish Civil War is one more expression of the field of contemporary archaeology, which studies the societies of the present and recent past on the basis of material culture. In the case of the Civil War, archaeology can provide valuable information on aspects that have been left untreated in historiography and that have to do with everyday life, the cultural history of objects, forgotten episodes of war and the political violence that was hidden by the dictatorship.
Rather than offering a chronological overview of the conflict, this conference will look at the Civil War through ten objects recovered in archaeological excavations and exhumations over the last decade that tell a different story.
The aim of this study is to research and analyse the 15th-century panel paintings in the National Archaeological Museum, whose artists’ names are well known. These works reveal the stylistic evolution of the Spanish schools, in which the Italo-Gothic, International and Flemish artistic currents are represented.
El proyecto Gadir Cartaginesa. Estrategias sociales y respuestas rituales en situaciones de crisis (PGC2018-097481-B-I00). Plan Estatal de Investigación. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (2019-2021) se focaliza en el análisis y relectura de un tipo muy característico de estructuras localizadas en la antigua ciudad de Gadir (Cádiz), conocidas en la literatura científica como “pozos rituales”. Son estructuras subterráneas que aparecen colmatadas de materiales y restos orgánicos producto de la celebración en ellas de distintos actos rituales.
El objetivo principal es explicar las razones culturales e históricas por las que surgen, se desarrollan y desaparecen estas estructuras, y las acciones que las generan. Para ello es necesario fijar la cronología de los contextos, por una parte, e identificar y aislar los distintos pasos de la «cadena operativa ritual», por otra.
Los resultados obtenidos hasta ahora permiten plantear que se trate de un ritual ancestral gaditano que se potencia con la llegada de las tropas cartaginesas a la ciudad, posiblemente como medio para canalizar la conflictividad social, latente o manifiesta, que la situación debió generar en la ciudad; y que desaparece lentamente cuando esta finaliza.
Goldsmithing during the Iron Age is one of the most characteristic manifestations of the pre-Roman peoples who inhabited the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. however, its study and dating have been hampered by the lack of archaeological contexts.
Recent discoveries of several craftsmen’s workshops in the context of fortified settlements and the identification of gold mines exploited prior to the Roman conquest, not only by panning, as was assumed, but by complex gallery mining, have greatly modified our knowledge of precious metal mining and metallurgy during the Iron Age. The conference aims to report on the fortified settlements that have provided data on the manipulation and transformation of these metals, as well as the archaeological records that support their synchrony with the mining operations. These are expressive testimonies of metallurgical activity in a territory with abundant and rich metal deposits and a mining tradition dating back to the Chalcolithic period. Their study opens up new perspectives for research into the provenance of the raw materials used (including their isotopic characterisation), the dating of castreño goldsmiths’ work and the role played in the establishment of large-scale gold mining after the Roman conquest.
Recensión.El vientre controlado es la publicación de la tesis doctoral de Patricia de los Ángeles González Gutiérrez leída en julio de 2015 en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y dirigida por
el profesor Carlos González Wagner. El trabajo ha sido revisado y modificado para su
publicación como libro en una editorial que se dedica a temas feministas pero que tiene un
claro perfil de investigación de la Antigüedad.