How the Earth’s Temperature Rising Affects.
The IPCC or Intergovernmental Group for Climate Change, set up by the UN in 1988, is made up of scientists with expertise in various disciplines, all relating to climate. The commission draws up a report every five years on new experimental evidence relating to the increase in the earth’s temperature. The first reports were cautious, but in the last, published in 2014, the experts expressed themselves quite unequivocally: there are no longer any doubts founded on the fact that the temperature of the planet is rising and that the cause are some human activities such as transport, industry, electricity generation, agriculture and intensive farming.
Collection: Images, Multimedia, Texts
Project: 9. Travels and travelers: economic, social and cultural connections.
Chronology: Modern age to contemporany
Scope: Primary, Secondary Education, Higher Education
Resource type: Video, Image, Text
Format: Images|Multimedia|Texts
Source: Rai scuola
Language: Italian
Date: 1988-2014
Owner: Beatrice Borghi (Modernalia)
Copyright: Rai scuola
Abstract: Climate change and the greenhouse effect