Portrait of the family of the Emperor Maximilian, together with the future Charles V and Ferdinand I
Portrait of the family of the Emperor Maximilian, together with the future Charles V and Ferdinand I
Illustration by Diebold Schilling showing a group of gypsies at the gates of the city of Bern, Switzerland (1485)
Portrait of a family in a 19th century Romantic interior
Oil on canvas entitled Bonaventure by Caravaggio, in the Louvre Museum (Paris)
Family portrait in an 18th-century illustrated interior
Frontispiece of Johannes Praetorius’ Ludicrum chiromanticum Praetorii, 1661
Reflection of the interior of a 17th century tailor’s shop by van Brekelenkam
Coat of arms of the houses and surnames of Igualada, Enríquez de Toledo, Arce Reinoso, Septiem Guzmán Montenegro Ramírez de Aragón and Acosta
Market and craft economy in the north of Valencia in rural and urban areas
Teniers’ work shows an old peasant looking after a young maid in a stable