Excerpt from Virto de Vera’s work on primary training
Excerpt from Virto de Vera’s work on primary training
Statement by renowned journalist Francisco Mariano Nipho on the differences between industry in the Principality and the rest of the country
Short excerpt with a reflection on the enlightenment movement
Statements by a ship’s skipper collected by the Alicante Jesuit Vicente Olcina
Excerpt reflecting the link between capitalism and Protestantism
Decree issued by Philip V on the militias protecting the coast in the Alpujarras and Granada to grant them and maintain their military jurisdiction in criminal matters
Fragment of text in which Cristòfor Despuig criticises the state of instruction in which women find themselves
Letter in which La Vauyugon expresses to Montmorin the new political panorama that opens up with the death of Charles III and the ascendancy of Marie-Louise of Parma in the politics of the kingdom
Fragment showing the prayers to the divinity in 1790 in order to make it rain in Guanjuato (Mexico)
Letter written by José Sánchez to his beloved Gerónima informing her that her father has imposed another woman on him in order to arrange a marriage, and he urges her to forget their romance