Spanish Civil War
Spanish Civil War
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide
Catalog and commentary of the real stamps of the MAN. Chronology from Fernando III to Fernando VII
In any revolutionary period it is possible to establish an interrelation between cultural changes -or rather, of cultural politics- and the phenomena of political change. The materialization of this principle is even more evident in the period between 1868-1874, all the more so since it is precisely one of the specific features of the liberal progressivism of the 19th century bourgeoisie, desire, enunciated as an ideological principle, to liberalize the world of culture and put it at the service of greater social participation.
Monetary circulation basically depended on mining production and was promoted by trade.
The Amazonian universe encompasses innumerable themes (gender, mythology, archaeology, social relations, the vision of the “Other”, war, autochthony, etc.). In short, an exclusively female society, or one where women control all areas, is considered a matriarchy (regardless of concepts such as matrilineality, matrilocality or both). It has filled pages, not only in antiquity, and has remained in the human mind for millennia. The emergence of matriarchal theories in the 19th century served to revive a dormant but never forgotten discussion of gender that greatly influenced early contemporary analyses of one of the best-known Greek myths. Many of the postulates that emerged then, such as matriarchy or the existence of a primordial Great Mother Goddess, now superseded, are still defended by various authors to support the supposed real existence of a society with these characteristics that deserve critical analysis.