Access to the correspondence of the French painter Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863). The site also offers an exhaustive biography of the painter as well as a specific bibliography.
Collection: Multimedia
Chronology: XIX
Scope: University
Resource type: Web
Source: Museo Nacional Eugène Delacroix
Language: French
Owner: Blanca Rodríguez Hernández (Modernalia)
Copyright: Centro André Chastel y Museo Nacional Eugène Delacroix
Abstract: Correspondence of the French painter Eugène Delacroix
Centro André ChastelcorrespondenciaCorrespondencia de Eugéne DelacroixEugéne DelacroixMuseo Nacional Eugène DelacroixParísPinturaPintura decimonónicaPintura francesaPintura Siglo XIXSiglo XIX