The Treaty of Utrecht prohibited Spanish ships from accessing the Terranova fishing grounds. However, for centuries, this area was one of the most common fishing grounds for the Basques. Whaling had an extraordinary presence in the Basque economy. From the 12th to the 15th century, between the months of October and March, Basque whalers hunted whales in the Cantabrian Sea; however, from the 15th century onwards, the cetaceans began to disappear from the Cantabrian coast, so Basque fishermen had to move to Terranova. These expeditions, which lasted up to eight months and in which cod were also fished, were carried out with boats of fifty or so people.
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVI
Scope: Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Historical source
Format: Unknown
Source: Euskadiko Artxibo Historikoa - Archivo Histórico de Euskadi. Fondo: Archivo de la Casa de Heriz. Sección: Familia Heriz. Aramayona y San Sebastián. Sub Sección: Mateo de Heriz. Documentación de la Provincia. Legajo: 2. Número legajo: 44
Language: Spanish
Date: 1557
Owner: Álvaro Chaparro Sainz (Modernalia)
Identifier: Dokuklik/14753
Copyright: © Eusko Jaurlaritza-Gobierno Vasco * Euskadiko Artxibo Historikoa - Archivo Histórico de Euskadi
Abstract: Document containing information about the discovery of Terranova by the Guipuzcoans as a result of whaling campaigns