The declaration of the servant, Nicasio Cortés, aged 55 and husband of Josefa de Santa, aged 77, in which he states that he is not employed despite working in the house of Águeda Cepeda. He considers that this work, as he does not receive remuneration, does not count as real employment. In the same way, he states that both he and his wife subsist thanks to the wages earned by their son, Tomás Cortés, at the Royal Sword Factory. Why is Nicaso not paid as a servant? Although it is true that his work consisted of keeping company, the objective he could have pursued was to obtain a benefit of material goods after the death of the owner, who for reasons of affection could leave them some belongings as an inheritance.
Colección: Textos
Cronología: XVIII
Ámbito: Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato, Universidad
Tipo de recurso: Fuente histórica
Formato: 1 fol. Manuscrito
Fuente: Archivo Municipal de Toledo, Libro de los Fondos del Estado de Legos de la Ciudad de Toledo para la Única Contribución del año 1771. Tomo 8º. Nº 26. Parroquia de San Nicolás, Nicasio Cortés, nº 189, fol. 3400
Idioma: Castellano
Fecha: 1771
Propietario: Francisco García González (Modernalia)
Copyright: ©Seminario de Historia Social de la Población ©Archivo Municipal de Toledo
Resumen: Descripción de la situación de un criado en una compañía