Located in the extreme north-west of Navarre, bordering France and Guipúzcoa, the Cinco Villas is a sub-region of the Cantabrian valleys made up of the following five localities: Aranaz, Echalar, Lesaca, Vera and Yanci. The demographic evolution of this region was characterised by similarities with the other Basque-Cantabrian areas with a low-pressure character, given that a late and restricted nuptiality had the effect of a relatively low birth rate together with an ordinary mortality rate of the same level. Nevertheless, the annual growth rate between 1734 and 1768 was 0.29%, while between 1768 and 1786 it was even lower, at 0.2%. From 1786 onwards, an irregular phase began in which the Convention War caused a sharp decline in the population, which went from 6,591 in 1786 to 6,124 in 1797, with Vera, Yanci and Lesaca being the towns with the greatest relative declines. However, 1860 marked the turning point of the period, where the 7,419 inhabitants of 1824 rose to 7,892 in 1860. A number of factors curtailed the demographic recovery, such as the War of Independence at the beginning of the 19th century. The mortality crises of 1793-1794 and 1813-1814 have a common denominator which in turn is related to that of 1719: war conflicts converged with a confluence of diseases and famines. In addition, the requisitioning of crops and livestock to support the armies caused food supply problems. It was at the end of the Liberal Triennium that the aforementioned villages entered a positive and pronounced dynamic that would last until after the Carlist conflict. The extraordinary increase coincided with decreases in the birth rate and the marriage rate, although in the former, the war against the Conventions and the typhus epidemic were the elements that aggravated the fall in births. During the first mortality crisis of 1793, the region was occupied by Spanish troops who practised a defensive strategy, while in July 1794 the French occupied the area and remained there until peace was signed in June 1795.
Collection: Statistics
Project: 3. Rural world and urban world in the formation of the European identity., 4. Family, daily life and social inequality in Europe.
Chronology: XVIII, XIX
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Link: https://www.adeh.org/revista/2002,%201/Mikelarena%20p.145-178.pdf
Resource type: Statistics
Format: Table
Source: Erdozain, Pilar y Mikelarena, Fernando, «Evolución demográfica y crisis de mortalidad en las Cinco Villas de la montaña navarra entre 1700 y 1860», Revista de Demografía Histórica, vol. 20, nº1, 2002, pp. 145–177.
Language: Spanish
Date: 2002
Owner: Álvaro Romero González (Modernalia)
Copyright: © Pilar Erdozain, ©Fernando Mikalarena, © Revista de Demografía Histórica
Abstract: Evolution of adult baptisms, deaths and marriages in the Cinco Villas of Navarre between 1701 and 1850