File on the merits and services of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, containing the following documents: 1.- Memorial (apparently in Cervantes’ own handwriting) in which he sets out his merits and services performed in Italy, in the battle of Lepanto and elsewhere, on the occasion of requesting the granting of any of the four vacant posts he sets out: the accounting of the New Kingdom of Granada, the governorship of Soconusco, the accounting of the galleys of Cartagena de Indias, or the corregimiento of the city of La Paz (1590). Folios 1-2 2.- Certification given by the Duke of Sesa confirming the merits and services of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1578). Folio 3. 2.- Information at the request of Rodrigo de Cervantes, father of Miguel de Cervantes, made in Madrid before a court mayor to prove that he is his son, that he is noble, the services he contracted in Italy, that he was captive in Algiers and that because his father is poor he will not be able to ransom him (1578). Folios 4-13. 3.- Information made in Algiers before the Trinitarian Redemptor Father Fray Juan Gil and before the notary Pedro de Rivera, at the request of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, in which the services he has done and the great labours he suffered in his captivity are stated. All verified with the certification of the said redeeming father (1580). This information was made a few days after the rescue of Cervantes. Folios 14-52.
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVI
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Link: http://pares.mcu.es/ParesBusquedas20/catalogo/show/126853
Resource type: Historical source
Format: Unknown
Source: Archivo General de Simancas. Patronato Real. Materias diversas. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Méritos y servicios de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Language: Spanish
Date: 1578
Owner: Álvaro Chaparro Sainz (Modernalia)
Identifier: ES.41091.AGI//PATRONATO,253,R.1
Copyright: © MECD. Archivos Estatales (España)
Abstract: File of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra containing the Memorial in which he describes his military merits and services