Michelangelo’s fresco on the altar of the Sistine Chapel (Vatican Museums, Rome). Executed between 1537-1541
Collection: Images
Project: 10. Churches and religions in Europe., 11. Science and culture as representation in Europe.
Chronology: XVI
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate
Link: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capilla_Sixtina#/media/Archivo:Le_jugement_dernier_de_Michel-Ange.jpg
Resource type: Image
Format: Fresco (13,7 x 12,2 m)
Source: Capilla Sixtina (Museos Vaticanos, Roma)
Language: Italian
Date: 1537-1541
Owner: Raimundo A. Rodríguez Pérez (Modernalia)
Copyright: Dominio público
Abstract: Cultural history