It includes the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, as well as the north coast of Africa. Numerous towns, not only cities, are represented with their place names, as well as the most important mountain systems and rivers of the Iberian Peninsula. Published in Madrid in 1804
Collection: Texts
Project: 0. What is Europe? The European Spaces in the history of Europe.
Chronology: XIX
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Cartography
Format: Black and white map, contained in the Geographical Atlas of Spain. Scale: 1: 2.408.100
Source: Biblioteca Digital Real Academia de la Historia (®istrardownload=0) / Real Academia de la Historia, Colección: Sección de Cartografía y Artes Gráfica, Signatura: C-011-008-01, Signatura anterior: C-Atlas E, I b, 1. Nº de registro: 00349
Language: Spanish
Date: 10/20/2020
Owner: Rubén Castro Redondo (Modernalia)
Identifier: C-011-008-01, Signatura anterior: C-Atlas E, I b, 1. Nº de registro: 00349
Copyright: © Biblioteca Digital Real Academia de la Historia / Real Academia de la Historia - Minsiterio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte - Gobierno de España
Abstract: Geographical map of the Iberian Peninsula, with the division of Portugal and Spain, and the internal royal divisions, by Tomás López, which forms part of the Geographical Atlas of Spain published by the author's sons in 1804, compiling various cartographic works by his father.