Thanks to the sale of the Leonese almonedas of the 18th century and first half of the 19th century, the socio-professional category of the buyers can be analysed and the typology of the goods acquired by each of these groups during the proceedings of these public second-hand markets can also be ascertained.
The consumption of these pre-industrial societies remains a question that is gradually coming to light, especially through the documentation contained in the postmortem inventories, as well as the way in which these neighbours came into possession of the goods contained in them. These elements are even more characteristic of the rural world, with documentation that has fewer records but which also shows the interest in basic consumer products, far removed from those related to luxury, which could be found more in the cities.
All in all, rural peasant families went to the auctions in search of livestock for 63.6% of the total value of purchases, followed by farm implements with 8.4%, that is to say, means and tools that were essential for their agricultural economies. In the case of parish priests, 52.3% of the purchases were for personal clothing and almost 23% for household furniture. The trend of acquiring personal clothing is also followed by priests and the rest of the neighbours whose profession is not specified, looking more specifically for clothes belonging to deceased clergy.
Collection: Statistics
Project: 4. Family, daily life and social inequality in Europe.
Chronology: XVIII, XIX
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University, Postgraduate
Resource type: Statistics
Format: Table
Source: Bartolomé, J. M. (2011). "El comercio de oportunidades en la provincia de León: las almonedas urbanas y rurales (1700-1850)", en Tiempos Modernos, nº 22, p. 15.
Language: Spanish
Date: 2011
Owner: Roberto José Alcalde López (Modernalia)
Copyright: ©Tiempos Modernos ©Juan Manuel Bartolomé Bartolomé
Abstract: Table showing the purchases in rural auction houses in León between 1700 and 1850, differentiating the buyers by their socio-professional category