The grenade had been a traditional weapon of siege warfare since about 1500. In the decades following the Civil War (1642-51), grenades were issued to some of the infantry.
Writing in 1678, John Evelyn observed: ‘Now were brought into service a new sort of soldier called grenadiers, who were dexterous to fling hand grenades, every one having a pouch full and had furr’d caps with coped crowns like Janissaries which made them look fierce’.
Collection: Images
Project: 6. Under a cloak of terror: violence and armed conflict in Europe.
Chronology: XVI
Scope: Secondary Education, Higher Education
Resource type: Image
Format: Images
Source: National Army Museum, Formation gallery
Owner: Porto group (Modernalia)
Identifier: NAM. 1970-09-25-1
Copyright: National Army Museum Copyright
Abstract: Armament