Collection of historical maps on the territory of present-day Cantabria
Collection: Multimedia
Chronology: XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Cartography
Source: Cartoteca de la Universidad de Cantabria
Language: Spanish
Owner: Rubén Castro Redondo (Modernalia)
Copyright: Universidad de Cantabria
Abstract: Documentary reference of historical maps referring to the current territory of Cantabria in Spanish archives (contains some historical maps)
Antiguo RégimenCantabriaCartografía antiguaCartotecaEdad ContemporáneaEdad ModernaGuerra CivilMapas antiguosMapas históricosSiglo XIXSiglo XVISiglo XVIISiglo XVIIISiglo XXUniversidad de Cantabria