The “Liber Paradisus” (Book of Paradise) is a book containing the text of the law issued in 1259 by the Municipality of Bologna which proclaimed the abolition of slavery and the liberation of serfs.
Collection: Images, Multimedia, Texts
Project: 9. Travels and travelers: economic, social and cultural connections.
Chronology: Medieval age
Scope: Secondary Education, Higher Education
Resource type: Video
Format: Images|Multimedia|Texts
Source: Archivio di stato di Bologna (ASB); Circolo San Tommaso; Castelli in aria
Language: Italian
Date: 467-1492
Owner: Beatrice Borghi (Modernalia)
Copyright: Massimo Giansante, ASB
Abstract: Bologna was the first city in the world to abolish slavery and free the serfs through the enactment of the "Liber Paradisus".