Digital repository of historic maps held by the Library of Congress of the United States of America.
Collection: Multimedia
Chronology: XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Web
Source: Biblioteca del Congreso (EE.UU)
Language: English
Owner: Rubén Castro Redondo (Modernalia)
Copyright: Biblioteca del Congreso (EE.UU)
Abstract: Digital repository of historic maps held by the Library of Congress of the United States of America
ÁfricaAméricaAntiguo RégimenAsiaBiblioteca del CongresoCartografía HistóricaEdad ContemporáneaEdad Modernaestados unidosEuropaMapas antiguosSiglo XIXSiglo XVISiglo XVIISiglo XVIIISiglo XX