The image shows the clothing of the Moors of Granada around the 16th century, portrayed by Jean Jacques Boissard in his book ‘Recueil de costumes étrangers’ (1528-1602). It depicts characteristic elements of Moorish dress, such as the sabanilla with a bun on the head, the shirt, the overcoat and the trabaq, which were the ‘Moorish tights’ or ‘calzas moriscos’ (Moorish tights). There is also a figure wearing Moorish underwear (second figure from the left), consisting of the characteristic zaragüelles or wide breeches with many pleats
Collection: Images
Project: 10. Churches and religions in Europe., 4. Family, daily life and social inequality in Europe., 7. Persecuted by justice and powers: rebels, political dissidents and criminals in the history of Europe.
Chronology: XVI
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Image
Format: jpeg image
Source: Gallica. Biblioteca Nacional de Francia. Departamento Estampas y Fotografías, 4-OB-26
Language: French
Date: 9/23/2020
Owner: María del Mar Felices de la Fuente (Modernalia)
Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b84471317
Copyright: Public domain
Abstract: Moorish clothing around the 16th century