The collections of the National Gallery of Denmark are grouped into five main blocks: European art (14th-17th century); Danish and Nordic art (1750-1900); French art (1900-1930); Danish and international art after 1900; and the graphic arts collection. Constantly being digitised, the works are accessible by simple search, advanced search, author, colour and subject.
Collection: Multimedia
Chronology: XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX
Scope: Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Web
Source: Galería Nacional de Dinamarca
Language: English
Owner: Blanca Rodríguez Hernández (Modernalia)
Copyright: Galería Nacional de Dinamarca
Abstract: Access to the digitised works of the National Gallery of Denmark (SMK), Copenhagen.
Arte danés 1750-1900Arte danés siglo XXArte europeoArte francés siglo XXArtes gráficasGalería Nacional de DinamarcaSiglo XIXSiglo XVIIISiglo XXSMK