The Esquilache riot was the most important social, economic and political revolt of the 18th century (1766). The shortage of basic foodstuffs, including bread, and the speculation of hoarders were two of the reasons that led the lower social classes to riot against the rulers. In the case of the Motín de Esquilache, the revolt ended with the march, via Cartagena, of the Marquis, who had to leave the peninsula in the face of the events and the demands of the lower social classes.
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVIII
Scope: Baccalaureate, University
Link: https://dokuklik.euskadi.eus/badator/visor/082/0831
Resource type: Historical source
Format: Unknown
Source: Azkoitiko Udal artxiboa - Archivo municipal de Azkoitia. Sección: Subfondo histórico - Zavala. Sub Sección: Papeles tocantes a la villa. Serie: Papeles de la provincia. Signatura: Leg. 31, nº 25
Language: Spanish
Date: 05/05/1766
Owner: Álvaro Chaparro Sainz (Modernalia)
Identifier: Dokuklik/136752
Copyright: © Eusko Jaurlaritza-Gobierno Vasco · Euskadiko Artxibo Historikoa / Archivo Histórico de Euskadi; © Azkoitiko Udala - Ayuntamiento de Azkoitia
Abstract: Order declaring as null and void the casualties caused by the uprising as well as the pardons and pardons and as enemies of the homeland to those who have thus intervened or taken part in the uprisings. Dated 5 May 1766.