Among the students of Salamanca in the 16th century, we can distinguish between those who belonged to the city itself, those who belonged to a religious or secular community, the pupils and those who could afford the expense of lodging their children in the city so that they could study. In addition, there was a type of college which offered scholarships to students who fulfilled certain conditions, and which served to support them financially and in terms of means during their studies. These colleges could be divided into regular colleges, secular colleges and colleges of the Military Orders.
Thus, from 1566 onwards, the number of collegiate students increased considerably in all three types, until, in 1571, the military order colleges and, in 1581, the secular colleges began to decline steadily. The regular colleges, on the other hand, began an unstoppable rise from 1566 to the end of the century, almost doubling the number of students and tripling the number of military order collegiates.
Collection: Graphics
Project: 3. Rural world and urban world in the formation of the European identity., 4. Family, daily life and social inequality in Europe.
Chronology: XVI
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University, Postgraduate
Resource type: Graph
Format: Line chart
Source: Carabias, A. M. et al (1986). "Los colegios salmantinos en la matrícula universitaria. Nuevas perspectivas", en Studia historica. Historia moderna, nº 4, p. 81.
Language: Spanish
Date: 1986
Owner: Roberto José Alcalde López (Modernalia)
Copyright: ©Studia historica. Historia moderna ©Ana María Carabias Torres ©María Teresa Hernández Hernández ©Francisco J. Lorenzo Pinar ©José Maroto Fernández ©Icíar Martín Aresti ©María Jesús Martín Martín ©Federico Méndez Sanz ©Dolores Morales Mateo ©María Pilar Moreno Jiménez ©Rafael Recio de la Fuente © María Isabel Ruiz Martínez
Abstract: Line graph showing the evolution of university enrolment in Salamanca between 1551 and 1596