The structure of female-headed households in inland Spain reveals that the dominant family model was the nuclear one (consisting of parents and children), with 81% of the cases. Those living alone were the second largest group with 10.4% of cases. The rest of the family models did not reach 5%. Among the groups that stand out most, nuclear and solitary, we observe a tendency towards solitude from the residential point of view: the vast majority of widows who headed the household and who lived with their children accounted for 61.3% of the cases, a figure that will decrease as the children grow up and emancipate from the family group.
Collection: Statistics
Project: 3. Rural world and urban world in the formation of the European identity., 4. Family, daily life and social inequality in Europe.
Chronology: XVIII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Statistics
Format: Table
Source: García González, F. (2017) “Mujeres al frente de sus hogares. Soledad y mundo rural en la España interior del Antiguo Régimen”, en Revista de Historiografía, nº 26, p. 36.
Language: Spanish
Date: 2017
Owner: Pablo Ballesta Fernández (Modernalia)
Copyright: © Instituto de Historiografía "Julio Caro Baroja" de la Universidad Carlos III ©Francisco García González ©Seminario de Historia Social de la Población
Abstract: Women heads of household in Spain and the family model they had, highlighting the nuclear family above the rest