Plan of a house in Lezuza (Albacete) showing the distribution of the upper and lower floors in 1751
Plan of a house in Lezuza (Albacete) showing the distribution of the upper and lower floors in 1751
Comparative evolution between the number of families of the local elite and merchants in the town of Albacete since the second half of the 18th century
Life cycle of Albacete’s children by sex and economic status
Demographic structure of Albacete according to the levels of baptism and marriages conditioned by crises and wars.
Transmission of patrimony via inheritance broke the egalitarian spirit of the Castilian system. The improvements were motivated by sentimental reasons.
Mobility and social reproduction of farmers and labourers according to their life cycle in the Sierra de Alcaraz (Albacete)
Distribution of cultivated land ownership as a reflection of the inequalities of the Ancien Régime
Impact of the War of Succession on the demographic level in Albacete and Cuenca; creating crises linked to the war and the consequent decrease in births.
Marital dowries in the artisan sector as social differentiation
Geographical mobility of the servants settled in Jorquera and Casas Ibáñez. Graduated radial effect with a north-south tendency