Processional court image sculpted by Francisco Salzillo in 1755. Church of Jesús, Salzillo Museum (Murcia)
Processional court image sculpted by Francisco Salzillo in 1755. Church of Jesús, Salzillo Museum (Murcia)
Views of the Alcázar in 17th century Madrid before the fatal accident on Christmas Eve 1734
A recreational hunting scene at the Court, immortalised by Velázquez’s brush
Imafronte of the Cathedral of Murcia, built between 1737 and 1751 under the guidelines of Jaime Bort
Processional float executed in 1754 by Francisco Salzillo. Church of Jesús, Salzillo Museum (Murcia)
Musical genre scene in the playful interiors of 17th century Spain by Velázquez
Costumbrista scenes in the kitchens of 17th-century Spain, painted by Velázquez
Velázquez’s depiction of domestic service in 17th-century Spain