Everyday life, celebrations and religious festivities. The image shows the representation of a Tarasca from the Corpus Christi procession
Everyday life, celebrations and religious festivities. The image shows the representation of a Tarasca from the Corpus Christi procession
Everyday life, celebrations and religious festivities. The image shows a Tarasca for the Corpus Christi procession of 1744 in Madrid
Festivities organised for the wedding of the kings of the Two Sicilies: Charles of Bourbon and Maria Amelia Cristina, with a bullfight at the Maestranza. Seville (1738).
Everyday life. Religious celebrations. Ball game that the Apalachinos and vstacanos Indians have been playing since their infidelity until the year 1676.
A festive scene in 18th-century Madrid featuring a group of majos painted by Goya
Representation of a masked ball held, probably, at the Teatro del Príncipe in Madrid, painted by Luis Paret and Alcázar around 1767.
A recreational hunting scene at the Court, immortalised by Velázquez’s brush
This resource shows a bullfight in the Plaza Mayor in Madrid, a popular festival that served to celebrate a variety of political, social, military and religious events during the Modern Age. It belongs to the Collection: Selected Optical Views of the 18th and 19th Centuries. Volume 5, Views of Great Britain and Spain