Proportion of the population engaged in service sector activities in 1787
Proportion of the population engaged in service sector activities in 1787
Bread production in the archbishopric of Toledo between 1565 and 1680
Populations in Spain with more than 5,000 inhabitants from the 17th century to the first half of the 19th century
Movements of immigrants to Spain and number of immigrants by origin in 1791
Relative prices of traded products in the Spanish Empire (paper, bramante, saffron)
Table analysing the place of residence of traders and distributors transporting products to Madrid, Segovia and Toledo, with traders from Burgos standing out
Table showing the textile typology of English imports to the Iberian Peninsula and the evolution of consumption patterns with respect to previous times
Differences between the ages of men and women at marriage in inland Spain, 16th-18th centuries
Regional contrasts in the distribution of urban centres in Spain in 1787
Website of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando on Goya’s Los Caprichos