Letter written by José Sánchez to his beloved Gerónima informing her that her father has imposed another woman on him in order to arrange a marriage, and he urges her to forget their romance
Letter written by José Sánchez to his beloved Gerónima informing her that her father has imposed another woman on him in order to arrange a marriage, and he urges her to forget their romance
Woman abandoned by her husband with children in her care
Widowhood and poverty in a woman from Toledo
Loneliness and neglect of a washerwoman for 24 years
Description of the situation of a page servant
Description of the situation of a servant in a company
Description of dependence on a page servant
Dependency situation with children outside the home
Parish register of marriage between Juan Álvarez Mendizábal and María Teresa Alfaro
Dependent status of several servants working for the same master