Documentary type by which the King recognises the work of Torres de la Alameda and grants it the title of villa
Documentary type by which the King recognises the work of Torres de la Alameda and grants it the title of villa
Book of the Archbishop of Toledo Francisco Antonio de Lorenzana, dedicated to the Company of Young Men of the Infantry Regiment of Cantabria (1786)
Text retrieved in the Novísima Recopilación de las leyes de España (1805) from the text that in 1539 indicated the legislation relating to the gypsy ethnic group
Fragment reflecting the Enlightenment idea of educating the people, where, to this end, the creation of grammar schools in the rural world, which would serve as a source of training for poor and ignorant clerics, unproductive for society, should be prohibited
Documentary fragment showing a testamentary clause establishing the agnation to obtain the right of possession of the entailed estate founded by Jerónimo de Rocamora in 1638
Loneliness and neglect of a washerwoman for 24 years
Document recording conflicts between land use and livestock
Description of the situation of a page servant
Description of the situation of a servant in a company
Description of dependence on a page servant