Explanation of basic notions about the 18th century in Aragon through the online portal of the Gran Enciclopedia Aragonesa (GEA)
Explanation of basic notions about the 18th century in Aragon through the online portal of the Gran Enciclopedia Aragonesa (GEA)
Virtual visit to the collection of the Museum of New France (Canada)
Access to the web site of the Grupo Catastro-Lecrín belonging to the Centro de Estudios Históricos del Valle de Lecrín y la Alpujarra (CEHVAL)
Online database with access to numerous references to houses and owners in the Lecrin Valley, according to the Ensenada Cadastre
Educational and informative website to guide the analysis of art from a gender perspective
Widowhood and poverty in a woman from Toledo
Loneliness and neglect of a washerwoman for 24 years
Description of the situation of a page servant
Description of the situation of a servant in a company
Description of dependence on a page servant