Professional fields where French-style dress was predominant
Professional fields where French-style dress was predominant
Table showing the average price of greenhouse leases in grazing pastures in Castile (1750-1829)
Table showing the cities where the books in Francesc Veray’s library were printed in 1787
The price and distribution of housing in Madrid during the 18th century according to social status
Annual income of large Spanish companies according to rented housing situation
Table analysing the place of residence of traders and distributors transporting products to Madrid, Segovia and Toledo, with traders from Burgos standing out
Table of the evolution of wine taxation in Madrid reflecting the importance of this product in everyday life and the material benefit that the authorities gained in times of economic stress
Resource reflecting the provincial population of the Crown of Castile in the mid-18th century
Online article from the magazine Historia National Geographic on “Esquilache, the most hated minister in Madrid”
Online article from the magazine Historia National Geographic on “Eighteenth-century Madrid house by house”