Manual calendar and guide of strangers in Madrid. Private calendar and guide for foreigners in Madrid. Patriotic guide of Spain. Patriotic guide of Spain. Political guide of Spain. Political guide of Spain. Political and military guide
Manual calendar and guide of strangers in Madrid. Private calendar and guide for foreigners in Madrid. Patriotic guide of Spain. Patriotic guide of Spain. Political guide of Spain. Political guide of Spain. Political and military guide
Everyday life. The image shows a painting depicting the formalisation of a woman’s dowry contribution. The work, entitled “The Bride’s Dowry”, is by José Gallegos y Arnosa.
Graph showing the percentage of inbred marriages in Potes and Liébana between 1600 and 1850
Graph showing the custody fate of women “abducted” as a legal formula for marriage against the will of the parents
Graph showing the total number of births, legitimate children and foundlings according to the parish registers of Antequera
Graph showing the total number of births, legitimate children and foundlings according to the parish registers of Antequera
Graph showing the total number of births, legitimate children and foundlings according to the parish registers of Antequera
Five-year graph of the evolution of Irish immigration in Bizkaia
Graph in ten-year percentages of marriages that are consanguineous in relation to the total number of marriages
Graph showing the evolution of consanguineous marriage according to its degrees between the Modern and Contemporary Ages