Resource with suggested activities on the artist Roy Lichtenstein
Resource with suggested activities on the artist Roy Lichtenstein
Educational and informative website to guide the analysis of art from a gender perspective
Interactive map that geolocates the presence of women in the past with accompanying videos
Web of didactic/divulgative resources on the History of women and gender relations in Spain
Fragment of text in which Mm Le Prince de Beaumont sets out to educate women and bring them out of the state of intellectual prostration in which they found themselves compared to men
Fragment of text of the jurist Enrique Gacto in which he explains the reasons for the expulsion of women from public offices, according to the mental parameters during modernity
Fragment from the Summa of St. Thomas, where he specifies the nature of woman
Fragment of text in which Cristòfor Despuig criticises the state of instruction in which women find themselves
Fragment of a text by Pedro de Calatayud in which he instructs Guarani women on the new prototype of Catholic woman to which they should ascribe
Rural patronage where a whole family serves a single master