Portrait of Íñigo López de Mendoza painted by Juan Bautista de Espinosa
Portrait of Íñigo López de Mendoza painted by Juan Bautista de Espinosa
Festive activities of the European peasantry in Early Modern Spain
A group of peasants engaged in rural activities in early modern Europe
Velázquez’s work shows an interior of women working in textiles, emphasising their profession through the fable of Arachne
This work by Goya depicts women as artists during the 18th century, thus opening up new perspectives from Women’s History
Goya’s work was executed in a different format from the traditional one for the grand staircase of Godoy’s palace
A group of young women, portrayed by Goya, rest after they have laid out some clothes while waiting for them to dry
Representation of women’s activities in the world of work and economy through the brush of Marinus van Reymerswale
The play depicts one of the female activities in the world of work and economics around market sales in the Modern Age
This portrait by Alonso Sánchez Coello shows a dual feminine aspect in the context of the courtly or courtly space: the position of those noblewomen who belonged to royalty, and also of those who accompanied them and formed part of the circles of power, occupying the royal offices of the Chamber or the Household.