Document containing the marriage contract of Antonio María de Munibe Aréizaga and Josefa Joaquina de Aranguren Álava, descendants of two prominent 18th century families of the Royal Bascongada Society of Friends of the Country.
Document containing the marriage contract of Antonio María de Munibe Aréizaga and Josefa Joaquina de Aranguren Álava, descendants of two prominent 18th century families of the Royal Bascongada Society of Friends of the Country.
Document containing information about the discovery of Terranova by the Guipuzcoans as a result of whaling campaigns
Confirmation of all the privileges, franchises and liberties of the Lordship of Vizcaya, by the Emperor Charles the Fifth and Dª Juana his mother in Valladolid on 10 July 1523
Document containing the Statutes of the Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País, an institution founded in 1765 in Azkoitia by the Count of Peñaflorida.
Document containing a list of the members of the Real Sociedad Bascongada de los amigos del Pais from its foundation in 1765 until 1779
Five-year graph of the evolution of Irish immigration in Bizkaia
Table showing the uneven population growth in northern Spain between 1600 and 1857, distinguishing between the coastal provinces and the northern inland provinces
Regional differences in Spanish infant mortality in the 18th century