Fragment of text in which Bartolomé Clvero points out the tensions existing between the monarchy and the nobility when the former has a reformist spirit
Fragment of text in which Bartolomé Clvero points out the tensions existing between the monarchy and the nobility when the former has a reformist spirit
Fragment of an anonymous text dated around 1780, which attempts to resolve the three problems afflicting Spain
Decree of Philip V, dated 1716, establishing the new Royal Library
Bando published in Valencia at the request of the Marquis of Caracena in 1609 on what was to be done with the children of the Moriscos who had stayed behind
Fragment of the work by Josep de Mora i Cata in which he deals with the problems arising from the relationship between the historian and his homeland
Fragment of text in which Juan de Palafox reproaches the Jesuits for their lack of martyrs during their work of evangelisation in China
Fragment of text extolling the important legislative work of Philip V in the history of Spain
Fragment of text in which Gaspar Cebrían presents to Philip V his family merits for the King’s cause during the War of Succession with the aim of obtaining promotion to some public office
Fragment of text in which Ramón Campos criticises the lineages of the nobility
Correspondence from Aranda Wall describing the Spanish diplomatic situation with regard to the English and French