The use of the mould for the production of this type of pottery raised its production to industrial levels. Roman ceramics, in general, and terra sigillata, in particular, are revealed to us as a highly active industry, the result of which is a very high level of production covering a wide range of typologies. The owners of the industries were usually great lords (domini) who owned large estates. These centres were run by foremen. Generally freedmen of the owner, they organised and controlled production. The workforce was mainly slave labour, with an abundance of women and children.
Collection: Texts
Project: 2. Social and economic impact of technological revolutions in Europe.
Chronology: -
Scope: Secondary Education
Resource type: pdf
Format: Texts
Owner: Arqueological National Museum of Spain (MAN) (Modernalia)
Abstract: The use of the mould for the production of this type of pottery raised its production to industrial levels. Roman ceramics, in general, and terra sigillata, in particular, are revealed to us as a highly active industry, the result of which is a very high level of production covering a wide range of typologies. The owners of the industries were usually great lords (domini) who owned large estates. These centres were run by foremen. Generally freedmen of the owner, they organised and controlled production. The workforce was mainly slave labour, with an abundance of women and children.