We have been carrying out excavations at the archaeological site of La Draga since 1991. Its location on the eastern shore of Banyoles Lake has meant that the soils of occupation are partly covered by groundwater, favouring an anoxic environment and the preservation of remains of wood and organic matter.
The site would correspond to an ancient Neolithic peasant settlement that was established in the area between 5,300 and 4,900 BC. Throughout this period, two distinct construction phases have been documented based on their chronology, the materials used and the functionality of the structures.
Collection: Multimedia
Project: 3. Rural world and urban world in the formation of the European identity.
Chronology: -
Scope: Secondary Education
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M3o-jIWYbY
Resource type: Video
Format: Multimedia
Owner: Arqueological National Museum of Spain (MAN) (Modernalia)
Abstract: We have been carrying out excavations at the archaeological site of La Draga since 1991. Its location on the eastern shore of Banyoles Lake has meant that the soils of occupation are partly covered by groundwater, favouring an anoxic environment and the preservation of remains of wood and organic matter. The site would correspond to an ancient Neolithic peasant settlement that was established in the area between 5,300 and 4,900 BC. Throughout this period, two distinct construction phases have been documented based on their chronology, the materials used and the functionality of the structures.